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Hncestors    anfc    ^Descendants 




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/Ilbajor  Blpm'e 

Hncestors    anb    Descenbants 


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The  chief  authorities  consulted  in  compiling  this  tentative  sketch 
are: — 

Memoires  historiques  genealogiques  etc.  de  la  maison  de  Grant.  By 
Charles  Grant,  Vicomte  de  Vaux.     1796. 

Statistical  Account  of  Urquhart  and  Glenmoriston.  By  James  Grant 
of  Corrimony.     1798. 

New  Statistical  Account.  By  Rev.  J.  D.  Smith  and  George  Ander- 
son.    1845. 

Account  of  the  rise  and  offspring  of  the  name  of  Grant.  By  Rev.  James 
Chapman.  1876  (reprinted  in  Macfarlane's  Genealogical  Collections,  I., 

The  Chiefs  of  Grant.     By  Sir  William  Fraser.     3  vols.     1887. 

The  Grants  of  Glenmoriston.     By  Rev.  Allan  Sinclair.     1893. 

Urquhart  and  Glenmoriston.     By  William  Mackay.     1893. 

The  Grants  of  Corrimony.     By  Francis  J.  Grant.     1895. 

Antiquarian  Notes.  By  Charles  Fraser-Mackintosh  Second  Series. 
1897.  •       -     -    ■ 

The  Landed  Gentry  of  Great  Britain' and  Ireland.  By  Sir  Bernard 
Burke,     v.y.  'f\        •       -: 

MS.  Pedigree  of  the  Grants  of  Glenmoriston.  Fy  Patrick  Grant, 
and  James  Ross  Smith. 

MS.  Memoirs  of  the  Grants  of  Grant  and  the  Grants  of  Glenmoriston. 
By  Charles  Grant. 

MS.  Notes  on  the  Clan  Grant.     By  Maria  M.  Grant. 

MS.  Notes  on  Major  Alpin's  descendants.  By  Rev.  James  Aberigh- 
Mackay,  D.D.,  senior  representative  of  the  descendants. 

MS.  Registers  of  Baptisms,  Marriages,  and  Deaths  for  the  parishes 
of  Urquhart  and  Glenmoriston  (from  1739),  and  of  Inverness  (from 

The  sketch  is  admittedly  very  imperfect.  Corrections  and  additions 
will  be  welcomed  by  the  compiler. 


The  University,  ^f> . 


>    '  '     ' 

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The  Grants  begin  to  be  noticed  in  English  history  in  the  12th 
century.  Their  name  was  possibly  Le  Grand,  and  they  may  have  ac- 
companied William  in  1066,  or  followed  soon  afterwards  with  the  crowd 
of  Normans  (including  a  "  Robert  Grante  ")  who  came  to  profit  by  the 
conquest  of  England.  This,  however,  is  little  more  than  conjecture,  and 
a  purely  Celtic  origin  has  been  claimed  for  the  Clan. 

The  name  appears  in  Scotland  in  the  middle  of  the  13th  century, 
and  we  find  Sir  LAURENCE  Grant,  sheriff  of  Inverness  in  1263. 

JOHN  GRANT,  believed  to  have  been  the  son  of  Sir  Laurence,  was 
taken  prisoner  at  the  battle  of  Dunbar,  1296,  but  was  liberated  in  129^ 
and  in  13 16  obtained  a  charter  of  the  lands  of  Inverallan  in  Strathspey 
from  John  of  Inverallan. 

Patrick  Grant,  of  Stratherrick  and  Inverallan,  son  of  John,  ap- 
pears between  1345  and  1362.  Possibly  another  son  of  John  was  Sir 
John  Grant,  taken  prisoner  at  Homildon  Hill,  1333,  and  knighted 
before  1357. 

MALCOLM  GRANT,  son  of  Patrick,  is  mentioned  in  1394  as  in  pos- 
session of  a  twenty  merkland  near  Inverness.  ROBERT  GRANT,  possibly 
a  son  of  Sir  John,  was  sent  on  an  embassy  to  France  in  1389  and  again 
in  1391. 

ELIZABETH  Grant,  Lady  of  Stratherrick,  daughter  of  Malcolm,  in 
1433  disposed  to  her  grandson  John  Seres  all  her  lands  including  Inver- 
allan.    A  Jul  IN  GRANT,  who  is  supposed  to  have  been  a  son  of  Robert 


and  who  may  have  been  the  John  Grant,  Sheriff  of  Inverness  in  1434, 
married  Matilda  Comyn,  daughter  of  Gilbert  of  Glencairnie,  by  whom 
he  had 

Sir  Duncan  Grant,  I.  of  Freuchie,  knighted  between  1457  and 
1464.  Freuchie  was  a  barony,  and  for  generations  after  Sir  Duncan's 
time  was  the  family  designation.  He  died  in  1485  having  married 
Muriel,  daughter  of  Malcolm  X.  of  Mackintosh,  by  whom  he  had  a  son 

John  Grant,  apparent  of  Freuchie,  to  whom  in  1482,  Patrick  Seres, 
son  of  John  Seres  above  mentioned,  disponed  the  lands  of  Inverallan. 
He  predeceased  his  father  in  1484,  leaving  a  son 

JOHN  Grant,  II.  of  Freuchie,  "  Am  Bard  Ruadh."  It  was  under  the 
Bard  that  the  Grants  first  established  themselves  in  Urquhart  and  Glen- 
moriston.  The  original  barony  of  Urquhart,  dating  from  the  early  part 
of  the  14th  century,  and  including  Glenmoriston,  was  erected  into  a 
Lordship  100  years  later,  and  had  been  held  by  the  Lords  of  the  Isles 
from  1394  to  1476.  In  Glenmoriston  the  Macdonalds  for  years  opposed 
the  Grants,  and  kept  the  lands  waste.  In  1482  the  Bard  became  tenant 
of  the  Lordship,  and  in  1509  James  IV.  granted  him  a  charter  of  a  new 
Barony  of  Urquhart ;  to  his  second  son  John,  "  Iain  Og  ",  (by  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Sir  James  Ogilvie  of  Deskford)  a  charter  of  a  Barony  of 
Corrimony  {Grants  of  Corrimony,  p.  11)  ;  and  to  his  natural  son  (by  a 
daughter  of  Stuart  of  Kincardine) JOHN,  "Iain  Mor",  a  charter  of  a 
Barony  of  Glenmoriston.  The  Bard's  eldest  son,  James,  succeeded 
him  as  III.  of  Freuchie  and  from  him  are  descended  the  Grants 
of  Grant,  now  Earls  of  Seafield. 













The  Barony  of  Glenmoriston  included  the  lands  of  Conechane, 
Craskie,  Aonach,  Auchlayn,  Dulchreichard,  Duldragyn,  Innerwick, 
Blarie,  Inver  [moriston],  Coulnakirk,  and  others.  The  grantee  had  to 
pay  to  the  king  a  yearly  feu-duty  of  £27  6s.  8d.  Scots,  to  provide  and 
maintain  nine  horsemen  for  royal  service  in  time  of  war  beyond  the 
kingdom,  and  at  the  King's  command  to  convene  with  all  fencible 
persons  dwelling  on  his  lands. 

JOHN  Grant,  I.  of  Glenmoriston,  son  of  John  the  Bard,  second  of 
Freuchie,  also  acquired,  22  July,  1532,  Culcabock  and  other  lands  in  the 
parish  of  Inverness.  He  died  in  September,  1548,  having  married  1st 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Walter  Innes,  and  grand-daughter  of  Sir  Robert 
Innes  of  that  Ilk,  with  issue: — 

1.  ISOBELLA,  who  married  John  Grant  of  Ballindalloch  (also  called  future  spouse 
of  Archibald  Campbell  of  Glenlyon,  9  May,  1538)  ; 

and  2nd  (having  divorced  his  first  wife),  Agnes,  daughter  of  William 
Fraser,  of  Culbokie,  and  grand-daughter  of  Thomas,  fourth  Lord  Lovat 
(marriage  contract,  I  June,  1546J  with  issue  : — 

2.  Patrick,  his  successor. 

He  had  also  three  natural  sons  : 

3.  John  Roy,  from  whom  the  Grants  of  Carron. 

4.  James,  from  whom  the  Grants  of  Wester  Elchies. 

5.  Alexander. 

Patrick  Grant,  II.  of  Glenmoriston,  from  whom  came  the  family 

patronymic,  "  Mac-'ic-Phadruig,"  being  implicated  in  Huntly's  rebellion 



was  not  served  heir  to  his  father  until  1566  (in  Glenmoriston)  and  1569 
(in  Culcabock).  He  died  16  March,  1 581,  having  married  1st  Beatrice, 
daughter  of  Sir  Archibald  Campbell  of  Calder,  with  issue  : — 

1.  John,  his  successor. 

2.  Archibald. 

3.  Lilias,   who  married  her  second  cousin  Alexander  Grant,  first  of  Sheuglie, 
grandson  of  John  Grant,  first  of  Corrimony  (Grants  of  Conimony,  p.  38) ; 

and  2nd  Janet,  daughter  of  Hugh  Fraser,  second  of  Guisachan,  and 
widow  of  Thomas  Chisholm,  younger  of  Chisholm ;  who  survived  him 
and  married  Lachlan  McKinnon. 

John  Grant,  III.  of  Glenmoriston,  "  Iain  Mor  a  Chasteil,"  was  served 
heir  to  his  father  in  1585  (Glenmoriston)  and  1600  (Culcabock).  He 
died  in  1637,  having  married  Elizabeth  Grant,  with  issue: — 

1.  Patrick,  his  successor. 

2.  JOHN,  of  Conechan,  who  had  issue — 

(1)  John,  of  Conechan  and  Craskie,'"  who  before  1685  married  Christian  Grant. 

(2)  Duncan  Roy,  alive  in  1702. 

i.  JOHN,  of  Craskie.t 

(i)  Patrick  of  Craskie,  alive  in  1737. 

(ii)  IsOBEL,  married  Patrick,  VIII.  of  Glenmoriston,  infra. 

A.  Alexander    son  of  Patrick,  styled   younger  of  Craskie 
in  1737. 

(A)  John  of  Craskie,  twice  married. 

a.  Alexander,  in  Duldreggan,  infra,  p.  26. 

b.  Elspet,  married  John  Macdonald,  with  issue. 

c.  Mary,  married  Duncan  Cumming,  with  issue. 

d.  ANNE,  died  young. 

*  I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  Francis  J.  Grant  for  some  notes  on  die  Grants  of  Craskie,  and  of 

fA  Patrick  Grant,  Craskie,  possibly  a  younger  brother,  was  one  of  the  "Seven  Men  of 
Glenmoriston"  who  ministered  to  Prince  Charlie  in  the  Caves  of  Corriegoe  from  25th  July 
to  lot  August,  1746. 


3.  Duncan,  of  Duldreggan,  married  Catherine  Macdonald,  with  issue  : — 

(1)  Archidald. 

(2)  Patrick. 

(i)  .<Eneas,  of  Duldreggan,  served  heir  to  his  great  grandfather 
Duncan  29  December  1730  ;  alive  in  1737. 

A.  John,  of  Duldreggan,  had  precept  of  Clare  Constat  from 
Patrick  VIII.  of  Glenmoriston,  as  heir  of  his  father,  1779. 

{A)  JOHN,  of  Duldreggan. 

Patrick  Grant,  IV.  of  Glenmoriston,  was  served  heir  to  his  father 
in  Culcabock,  in  1637.  He  died  in  1643,  having  married  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Hugh  Fraser  IV.  of  Culbokie  (she  died  20  December,  1681), 
with  issue : — 

1.  John,  his  successor. 

2.  Mary,  married  24  June,  1662,  Colin  Chisholm  of  Knockfin. 

3.  Janet,  died  6  March,  1694,  having  married  Hugh  Fraser,  second  of  Belladrum. 

JOHN  Grant,  V.  of  Glenmoriston,  "  Iain  Donn,"  conveyed  the 
Culcabock  estates  to  John  Robertson  of  Inshes.  He  died  in  1703 
having  married  a  daughter  of  Fraser  of  Struy,  with  issue  : — 

1.  John,  his  successor. 

2.  Alexander,  designed  in  Blairy  in  1695.  According  to  information  supplied  in 
August  1 835,  by  the  late  James  Murray  Grant,  X 1 1,  of  Glenmoriston,  this  Alexander 
"married  a  Gairloch  woman  against  the  wish  of  all  his  relations,  they  not  know- 
ing who  she  was,  or  who  were  her  connections  in  Gairloch.  In  consequence  of 
this  dispute  with  his  friends,  Alexander  Grant  left  his  native  place  and  never 
returned  ;  and  had  it  not  been  for  a  song,  composed  by  his  wife,  and  still  sung  in 
the  Glen,  no  trace  of  him  could  have  been  found.  After  Alexander  left  Glen- 
moriston, his  friends  being  anxious  to  know  something  about  the  Gairloch 
woman,  made  enquiry  through  Sir  Alexander  Mackenzie,  laird  of  Gairloch,  and 
found  that  she  was  great-grand-daughter  of  the  laird  of  Gairloch  ;  her  name  was 
Janet  McKenzie,  daughter  of  Thomas  McKenzie  of  Rhu,  Gairloch,  son  of  Captain 
Alexander    McKenzie,    son   of  the   [fifth]  laird  of  Gairloch."     Tradition  further 


narrates  that  Alexander  lived  at  first  in  Glenshee,  and  afterwards  in  Castleton  of 
Braemar.*     A  son, 

(i)  Duncan,  settled  in  the  Forest  of  Birse,  obtaining  a  lease  01  some  land 
from  the  Earl  of  Aboyne  in  1722.  According  to  the  MS.  Memoirs  compiled 
by  his  descendant  Mr.  Charles  Grant,  Duncan  married  and  had  three  sons  : — 

i.  Donald  :  ii.  Archibald  :  iii.  Duncan.    Of  these  the  eldest  Donald, 
who  fought  at  Cul'.oden,  married  and  had  four  sons  : — 

(i)  Duncan  :  (ii)  Lachlan  :  (iii)  John  :  (iv)  Robert.  Of  these 
the  eldest  Duncan  died  in  i797,t  aged  48,  having  married  Elspeth 
McGregor,  Ballochbuie  (who  died  1821,  aged  80),  with  issue  : — 

A.  Charles  (bom  1770);  B.  Duncan  (born  1782);  C. 
Lachlan  ;  a'so  Donald,  Alexander,  and  two  named  John, 
who  all  died  young.  Duncan  became  a  merchant  in  Glasgow 
and  proprietor  of  Clydebank  and  Newhall.  He  died  in  1865, 
having  married  1st  Margaret  Sillars,  Lochill,  Ayrshire  (who 
died  20  August,  1831,  aged  38),  with  issue  : — 

(A)  Charles  of  Clydebank  (born  1816)  compiler  of  the 
Memoirs  referred  to  in  the  Prefatory  Note. 

(B)  John  (born  1821)  who  became  a  Chamberlain  at  the 
Court  of  Saxe-Weimar,  married  in  1848  Olga  Matilda 
Alexandrina  von  Wegner,  Schloss  Ostmanstedt,  and 
was  created  a  Baron  by  the  Grand  Duke.  He  is 
represented  by  an  only  daugruer, 

a.  Olga  Jane,  who  resides  in  Weimar. 

*  In  the  Invermcriston  burying  ground  is  a  tombstone  bearing  the  following  inscription : 
"  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Alexander  Grant,  sen  of  John  Grant.,  fifth  laird  of  Glenmoriston, 
and  to  his  spouse  Janet  Mackenzie,  grand  daughter  of  Captain  Alexander  Mackenzie  of  Gairloch  : 
ancestors  of  Captain  George  Grant  of  the  Indian  Navy,  who  has  erected  this  monument  as  a 
token  of  affection,  esteem  and  regard,  with  which  he  cherishes  their  memory.  They  died  in 
Braemar  about  the  year  of  our  Lord,  1730.  [Erected]  1840."  This  Captain  George  Grant 
was  the  son  of  James  Grant  (and  his  wife  Jane  Hadden),  who  was  the  son  of  ii.  Archibald, 
grandson  of  Alexander.  George  Grant  entered  the  India  Navy  as  a  midshipman,  2  July,  1810, 
becoming  second  lieutenant  19  May,  1816,  first  lieutenant  29  March,  1820,  commander  18 
March,  1827,  and  captain  18  September,  1832.  He  retired  from  the  service  12  September, 
1S38.  He  did  much  good  service  on  the  Guzerat  coast  between  1812  and  1820.  (See  Low's 
History  of  the  Tndian  Navy).  Captain  Grant  married  Isabella,  daughter  and  heiress  of  John 
Macculloch  of  Ba.rholm,  Wigtonshire,  and  died  at  Barholm,  22  September,  1874,  aged  81. 
I  lis  widow  died  9  March,  1889.  Captain  George  Grant  had  issue — {A)  John,  who  died  in  186S  ; 
(B)  James,  who  succeeded  to  Barholm  ;  (C)  Jane  Hadden  ;  (Z>)  Agnes  Stewart. 

f  Tombstone  in  Birse  Kirkyard,  erected  in  1821  by  his  son  Duncan. 


(C)  Henry  (born  1825)  killed  26  August  1850  by  falling- 
over  a  precipice  when  descending  Ben  Nevis  ;  (D)  William 
Ralph  (born  1830) ;  (E)  Alexander  Ralph  (born  1831) ; 
(E)  Jessie  (born  1818) ;  (G)  Eliza  (born  1823)  ;  (H) 
Margaret  (born  1827). 

Duncan  Grant  married  ind  Abigail  Sloan,  Auchlin,  Ayrshire 
(who  died  19  July,  1866,  aged  59),  with  issue  : — 

(/)   William*  (born    1840);    (/)    Sarah   (born   1837); 
{!<)  Mary  Ann  (born  1839) ;  (L)  Catherine  (bom  1842). 

3.  Patrick. 

John  Grant,  VI.  of  Glenmoriston,  "  Iain  a  Chragain,"  was  served 
heir  to  his  father  on  23  June,  1703.  He  fought  in  1689  at  Killicrankie  f 
by  the  side  of  Sir  Ewen  Cameron,  and  in  171 5  at  Sheriffmuir  by  the 
side  of  Alisdair  Dubh,  chief  of  Glengarry,  whose  life  he  was  the  means 
of  saving.  For  taking  part  with  the  Jacobites,  his  estates  were  forfeited 
under  the  Act  1  Geo.  I.  cap.  42,  and  remained  in  possession  of  the 
Crown  till  1732,  when  they  were  sold  to  Ludovic  Grant,  second  son  of 
the  Laird  of  Grant,  but  then  known  as  Ludovic  Colquhoun  of  Luss. 

*  To  whose  courtesy  the  compiler  is  indebted  for  the  perusal  of  his  brother  Charles'  Memoirs. 

t  James  Philip  of  Almerieclose  thus  describes  Iain  a  Chragain  among  the  followers  of 
Dundee,  contrasting  his  fidelity  with  the  disloyalty  of  his  kinsman,  Grant  of  Grant,  who 
followed  the  "  Orange  tyrant." 

His  quoque  se  comitem  Morisina  ex  valle  ferebat 
Grantius  egregius  bello,  non  degener  ille 
Grantiades  Balli  dictus  de  nomine  castri, 
Qui  Batavi  partes  prr^donis,  et  arma  secutus 
Sustulit  Auriaci  vexilla  nefanda  tyranni. 
Ille  sed  incoctum  fido  qui  gestat  honestum 
Pectore,  Cassareos  Urquhartius  acer  in  hostes. 
Magnorum  usque  adeo  mores  imitatus  avorum 
Corripit  arma  manu,  Regi  inconcussus  acerbis 
Temporibus  laturus  opem,  perque  invia  montes 
Scandit  inacessos,  magnoque  in  bella  paratus 
Arduus  agmen  agens  graditur,  quern  Grantia  pubes 
Ordine  seryato  ductorem  in  castra  secuta  est. 

—  Gramtid,  iv,  370-82, 


Iain  a  Chragain  died  30  November,  1736,  aged  79  (tombstone  in  Inver- 
moriston  burying  ground),  having  married  1st  a  daughter  of  Baillie  of 
Dunean,  by  whom  he  had  no  issue;  and  2nd,  about  1698,  Janet,  daughter 
of  Sir  Ewen  Cameron,  XVII.  of  Lochiel,  and  thirteenth  in  descent  from 
King  Robert  Bruce,*  (she  died  9  February,  1759,  aged  80:  tombstone), 
with  issue  among  others  : —  f 

1.  John,  his  successor. 

2.  Patrick,  VIII.  of  Glenmoriston. 

3.  Duncan,  "  Corneilear,"  married  Helen,  daughter  of  John  Grant,  V.  of 
Corrimony  (Contract  15  February,  1712),  by  whom  he  had  a  son  who  died  in 
India,  and  three  daughters. 

4.  Allan,  who  took  part  in  the  '45.     (See  also  Antiq.  Notes,  ii.,  11 1.) 

5.  Alexander,  who  also  took  part  in  the '45,  died  26th  February,  1789,  aged 
86  (tombstone  in  Invermoriston  burying  ground),  having  married  Ann  (died  9 
February,  1782,  aged  68)  daughter  of  Alexander  Fraser  of  Relick,  with  issue  :  — 

(1)  Patrick,  who  died  31  December,  1787,  aged  33  (tombstone). 

(2)  Alexander,  in  Portclair. 

6.  Ewen. 

7.  James. 

8.  Isobel,  married  Alexander  Grant,  IV.  of  Sheuglie  (Contract  19  October, 
1 7 13),  and   had  issue  {Grants  of  Corrimony,  p.  39). 

JOHN  Grant,  VII.  of  Glenmoriston,  born  1699, to  whom  the  forfeited 
estate  was  conveyed  by  Ludovic  Grant  or  Colquhoun  in  May,  1733.  He 
died  unmarried  in  his  father's  life-time,  3  Dec,  1734  (tombstone  in 
Invermoriston  burying  ground). 

*  ■ 

The  steps  of  the  descent  are: — King  Robert  Bruce, — Princess  Marjory, — King  Robert 
II., — Robert  Duke  of  Albany,  —  Margaret,  married  Duncan,  Lord  Campbell  of  Argyll, — Sir 
Colin  Campbell  of  Glenorchy, — Sir  Duncan,  —  Sir  Colin, — Sir  Colin, — Sir  Duncan, — Robert, — 
Margaret,  married  John  Cameron  of  Lochiel, — Sir  Ewen  Cameron, — Janet  married  John  Grant 
of  Glenmoriston. 

f'She  bore  ten  sons  and  five  daughters.  By  these,  who  were  all  married,  there  were 
about  two  hundred  persons  descended  of  her  body,  most  of  whom  were  present  at  her  funeral. 
Her  corpse  was  carried  to  the  churchyard  by  her  children,  grandchildren,  great  grand  children, 
and  great  great  grand  children.'* — Scots  Mag.,  1759. 


Patrick  Grant,  VIII.  of  Glenmoriston,  "  Padruig  bui,"  was  served 
heir  to  his  brother  in  1737.  He  took  part  in  the  skirmish  at  Ath-nam- 
Muileach  in  1721,  and  in  the  earlier  moves  of  the  '45,*  but  does  not 
seem  to  have  fought  at  Culloden  ;  though  his  clansmen  did,  and  were 
in  consequence  subjected  to  the  signal  vengeance  of  Cumberland.  He 
was  exempted  from  the  Act  of  Indemnity,  20  Geo.  II.,  cap.  52.  He 
died  30th  March,  1786,  having  married  Isobel,  "  Bhaintighearna  ruadh,'' 
daughter  of  John  Grant  of  Craskie  {supra,  p.  10),  by  whom  he  had — 

1.  John  Roy.  Entered  the  army,  killed  in  Flanders  ;  unmarried.  (Mr.  Patrick 
Grant's  Pedigree). 

2.  Patrick,  IX.  of  Glenmoriston. 

3.  Alexander,  born  in  1734;  after  three  years  service  in  Royal  Navy,  was 
commissioned  ensign  in  the  Montgomerie  Highlanders,  4  January,  1757.  Sailed 
for  America,  arriving  at  Halifax,  28  May,  1758;  served  in  expedition  against  Fort 
Duquesne  ;  Lieutenant  in  1759,  and  served  under  Amherst  in  expedition  against 
Ticonderoga  and  Crown  Point,  having  command  of  a  sloop  of  war  of  sixteen  guns 
on  Lake  Chaplain.  In  1764  the  Montgomerie  Highlanders  were  disbanded  and 
Lieut.  Grant  was  appointed  Commodore  of  the  King's  vessels  on  Lake  Erie.  In 
1776  he  obtained  a  grant  of  5000  acres  in  Charlotte  County,  between  Crown 
Point  and  Ticonderoga.  In  1805  he  administered  the  government  of  Canada 
during  the  absence  of  the  Lieutenant  Governor.  {American  Historical  Mag.,  for 
June  1863  ;  Hamlin's  Legends  of  Le  Detroit,  p.  274  ;  Scots  Mag.,  lxxv.,  879).  He 
died  18  May,  1813,  in  his  80th  year,  at  his  residence  of  Grosse  Pointe,  Detroit, 
having  married,  30  September,  1774,  Therese,  daughter  of  Charles  Barthe  and 
Marie  Therese  Campeau  (she  died  11  November,  1810),  with  issue — 

(1)  Alexander,  born  19  March,  1791,  Colonel  in  ,  Brockville. 

(2)  Therese,  born  13  February,  1776,  married  Wright,  an  Army 
Surgeon,  stationed  at  Kingston,  Jamaica.  On  a  voyage  thence  to  New  York, 
Or.  and  Mrs.  Wright  and  three  children,  died  of  yellow  fever.  The  only  sur- 
viving daughter,  a  child  of  four  years,  was  brought  up  by  her  grandfather, 
Commodore  Grant,  and  her  aunt,  Mrs.  Dickson.     She  married  1st  Colonel 

*  "  Grant  of  Glenmoriston,  having  made  a  hasty  march  to  join  Charles  at  the  head  of  his 
clan,  rushed  into  the  Prince's  presence  at  Holyrood  with  unceremonious  haste,  without  having 
attended  to  the  duties  of  the  toilet.  The  Prince  received  him  kindly,  but  not  without  a  hint 
that  a  previous  interview  with  the  barber  might  not  have  been  wholly  unnecessary.  "  It  is  not 
beardless  boys,"  answered  the  displeased  chief,  "  who  are  to  do  your  Royal  Highness's  turn." 
The  Chevalier  took  the  rebuke  in  good  part.  — Scott's  Notes  to  Waverley. 


Robert  Nichol,  one  of  General  Brock's  Staff  Officers  during  the  war  of  1 812, 
with  issue — Robert,  Thomas,  Annabella,  Maria  ;  and  2nd  Boyd,  a  post 

Captain  in  the  Navy,  afterwards  Admiral,  who  fought  under  Nelson  at 
Trafalgar.  His  eldest  son  by  a  former  marriage,  married  her  eldest 
daughter.     (Information  from  Miss  Helen  Nichol,  Vancouver,  B.C.) 

(3)  Isabelle,  born  28  September,  1777,  died  19  October  following. 

(4)  Nellie,  born  25  September,  1778,  died  8  April,  1789. 

(5)  Archange,  born  12  December,  1780,  married  20  September,  1803, 
Thomas  Dickson,  Queenstown,  with  issue,  two  daughters  ;  one  died  young, 
the  other  married,  Lyon,  Kirkcudbright,  Scotland,  and  had  three  sons 
and  a  daughter. 

(6)  Phillis,  born  29  August,  1782,  married  Alexander  Duff,  Amherstburgh, 
son  of  the  Rev.  William  Duff,  Minister  of  Foveran,  Aberdeenshire,  with 
issue — 

i.    Alexander  Duff,  born  25  February,  1802. 
ii.   William  Duff,  born  30  April,  1804. 
iii.  Therese  Duff,  born  10  March,  1807. 

(7)  Isabelle,  born  20  December,  1783,  married  Captain  Gilkison, 
with  issue — seven  sons — including  Archibald,  County  Court  Judge,  Pictou, 
and  Colonel  Jasper,  Brantford. 

(8)  NANCY,  born  5  February,  1785,  married  George  Jacob. 

(9)  Elizabeth,  born  16  April,  1787,  married  1804,  James  Woods,  with  issue, 
four  sons  (including  Joseph,  M.P.  for  County  of  Kent,  and  Robert  Stuart, 
Judge,  Chatham),  and  three  daughters. 

(10)  Mary  Julia,  born  April,  1796,  married  1st  Miller,  and  2nd 

(11)  Jean  Cameron,  born  29  August,  1799,  married  11  February,  1834, 
William  Richardson,  Postmaster,  Brantford,  brother  of  Major  John  Richard- 
son {Diet.  Nat.  B/og),  with  issue  of  two  sons  and  two  daughters. 

4.  Allan,  Captain  in  the  16th  Regiment.     Died  at  Inverwick,  6  October,  1809, 
{Scots  Mag.  lxxi.  879). 

5.  Alpin.     See  in/ra,  p.  21. 

6.  Lewis.     Died  in  Jamaica. 

7.  Helen,  married    Ronald    Macdonell  of  Scotus  and  had  issue  (Mackenzie's 
Macdona/ds,  p.  364). 

Patrick  Grant,  IX.  of  Glenmoriston,  "  Padruig   dubh."     On   his 
marriage  in   1757  his  father  disponed  the  estate  to  himself  in  liferent 


and  to  his  son  in  fee.  In  1774  Patrick  IX.  obtained  a  Crown  charter 
confirming  him  in  full  possession  of  the  forfeited  lands.  He  died 
2  December,  1793,  having  married,  30  June,  1757,  Henrietta,  "  Bhain- 
tighearna  bhreac,"  second  daughter  of  James  Grant  of  Rothiemurchus, 
with  issue  : — 

1.  John,  his  successor. 

2.  James,  W.  S.,  born  1768,  died  16  June,  1834,  having  married  27  July, 
1803,  Helen,  daughter  of  Charles  Shearer  of  Knowhead  (she  was  born  1  June, 
1776,  and  died  27  November,  1864),  with  issue — 

(1)  PATRICK,  born  2  June,  1804,  W.  S.,  Sheriff  Clerk  of  Inverness-shire 
1831-70;  died  18  April,  1870,  aged  65,  having  married,  6  August,  1838, 
Emilia,  daughter  of  Evan  Baillie  of  Dochfour,  with  issue — 

i.  James,  born  21  December,  1839,  died  28  June,  1862. 

ii.  Evan  Baillie,  married  in  1880  Isabella,  widow  of  Sir  Thomas 
Millar,  bart. 

iii.  John  Charles,  born  1  May,  1844,  died  28  April,  1866. 

iv.  Maria,  authoress  of  several  novels. 

v.  Helen  Henrietta,  married  1st  in  18S0  Rt.  Hon.  William  Massey 
M.P,  who  died  in  1881  ;  and  2nd  in  1890,  Sidney  Edward  Bouverie 
Pusey  of  Pusey  House. 

(2)  John  Charles,  born  28  September,  1808,  died  at  Singapore,  2  Decem- 
ber, 1836. 

(3)  James,  born  1809.  died  at  Barbadoes,  3  January  1829. 

(4)  William  married    Rebecca   Barker,  a   Canadian    of  "  United  Empire 
Loyalist"  descent,  with  issue  : — 

i.  William  Shearer,  Winnipeg,  married  Mary  E.  Mingaye,  with 
issue  : — 

(i)  Herve  Murray,  born  August,  1891. 
(ii)  William  Mingaye,  born  April,  1896. 
(iii)  James  Evelyn,  born  December,  1901. 

ii.  HELEN  Mary,  married  Robert  Armour,  Montreal, 
iii.  Rebecca,  married  J.  D.  Tyrrell,  Toronto. 

(5)  Helen,   born    1806,   died    1840,   married    Allan    Macdonald,    Berbice, 
with  issue. 



i.  Allan  Macdonald,  died  young. 

ii.  Ja.»ies   Grant    Macdonald,    Toronto,    died    26    October,    1889, 

having  married  Sarah  Gildersleave,  with  issue  : — 

(i)  Allan  Henry  Macdonald. 
(ii)  Overton  Fullarton  Macdonald. 
(iii)  Reginald  Murray  Macdonald. 
(iv)  Helen  Sarah  Macdonald. 

iii.  Patrick  Macdonald,  New  York, 
iv.  Reginald  Macdonald. 
v.  Louisa  Macdonald. 

(6)  Susan  Fraser,  born  1813,  died  6  January,  1829. 

(7)  Marianne,  died  in  infancy. 

(8)  Janetta,  died  in  infancy. 

3.  Patrick,  born  6  July,  1769,  drowned  in  America,  1801. 

4.  William,  born  30  July,  1770,  died  at  Berhampore,  India,  20  October,  1S08. 

5.  Ludovic,  born  3  October,  177 1. 

6.  Helen,  born  8  May,  1760,  married  22  September,  1778,  Ewen  Cameron  or 
Glennevis  and  had  issue  (Mackenzie's  Camerons,  p.  396). 

7.  ISOBEL,  born  28  April,  1762. 

8.  Jane  Gordon,  born  28  May,  1763,  married  10  May,  17S1,  Charles  Mackenzie 
of  Kilcoy  and  had  issue  (Mackenzie's  Mac/cenzies,  p.  589). 

9.  Elizabeth,  born  7  August,   1764,  married  Simon  Fraser  of  Foyers  and  had 
issue  (Mackenzie's  Fraser s,  p.  709). 

10.  Grace,  born  27  December,  1765,  married  Colin  Matheson  of  Bennetsfield 
and  had  issue  (Mackenzie's  Mathesons,  p.  30). 

JOHN  Grant,  X.  of  Glenmoriston,  born  3  September,  1758,  was 
served  heir  to  his  father  27  February,  1795.  He  joined  the  42nd  Regt. 
in  1780,  and  served  in  India.  On  his  return  he  was  appointed  Major 
in  the  Strathspey  Fencibles ;  afterwards  Lieut-Colonel.  He  died  8 
September,  1801,  having  married,  30  April,  1788,  Elizabeth  Townshend, 
daughter  of  John  Grant,  Commissary  of  Ordnance,  New  York,  (she 
died  3  April  1758)  with  issue: — 

1.  Patrick,  his  successor. 

2.  James  Murray,  XII.  of  Glenmoriston. 

3.  Henrietta,  born  23  February,  1789,  married,  8  September,   1818,  Thomas 
Fraser  of  Balmain,  and  had  issue  (Mackenzie's  Frasers,  p.  562). 

4.  Ann,  born  17  June,  1791,  married  Roderick  Mackenzie  of  Flowerburn  and  had 
issue  (Mackenzie's  Mackcnztes,  p.  491). 


Patrick  Grant,  XI.  of  Glenmoriston,  born  5  April,  1790,  was 
served  heir  to  his  father,  3  May,  1802.  He  died  unmarried  22  Septem- 
ber, 1808. 

James  MURRAY  Grant,  XII.  of  Glenmoriston,  born  24  June,  1792, 
was  served  heir  general  to  his  grandfather  Patrick  IX.,  15  May,  1809. 
He  acquired  the  lands  of  Culbin,  Kintessack  and  Moy  as  heir  of  tailzie 
and  provision  to  Col.  Hugh  Grant  of  Moy,  to  whom  he  was  served  heir 
general ;  also  the  lands  of  Earnhills,  Knockie,  Foyerbeg  and  others- 
He  died  8  August,  1868,  having  married,  5  October,  1813,  his  cousin, 
Henrietta,  third  daughter  of  Ewen  Cameron  of  Glenevis  (she  was  born 
1788  and  died  26  June,  1871),  with  issue: — 

1.  John,  born  10  November,  1816,  Captain,  42nd  Highlanders.  He  died  in 
his  father's  lifetime,  17  August,  1867,  having  married,  1st,  ij  August,  1850, 
Emily,  daughter  of  James  Morrison,  of  Basildon  Park,  Berks,  who  died  1854, 
without  issue  ;  and  2nd,  2  February,  1858,  Anne,  daughter  of  Robert  Chadwick, 
of  High  Bank,  Prestwick,  with  issue  : — 

(1)  Ian  Robert  James  Murray,  XIII.  of  Glenmoriston. 

(2)  Ewen,  born  1861. 

(3)  Heathcote  Salisbury,  born  1864,  entered  the  Navy. 

(4)  Frank  Morrison  Seafield,  born  1865. 

(5)  Emily,  married,  18  July,  1883,  Colonel  Godfrey  Astell,  60th  Rifles,  and 
had  issue. 

2.  Ewen,  born  10  September,  181 7,  Colonel,  Bombay  army.  Died,  9  August, 
1 87 1,  having  married  ,  daughter  of  Colonel  Pears,  Madras  Artillery,  with 
issue,  a  son  and  four  daughters. 

3.  Patrick,  H.E.I.C.S.  Died,  having  married  3  June,  1856,  Elizabeth 
second  daughter  of  Donald  Charles  Cameron  of  Barcaldine,  with  issue,  two  sons 
and  four  daughters. 

4.  Hugh,  Lieut-Colonel,  Bengal  Army.  Died  ,  having  married 
an  Indian  lady,  with  issue,  a  son  and  a  daughter. 

5.  James  Murray,  born  1  December,  1828,  Major-General,  Madras  army. 
Died  19  June,  1891,  having  married  Helen,  third  daughter  of  Donald  Charles 
Cameron  of  Barcaldine,  with  issue,  four  sons  and  three  daughters. 

6.  Jane,  born  9  September,  1814.  Married,  29  October,  1839,  William  Unwin, 
Colonial  Office,  with  issue,  one  son  and  one  daughter. 

7.  ELIZABETH,  born  10  March,  1819,  married,  21  September  1837,  Alexander 
Pierson,  of  the  Guynd,  Forfarshire  ;   died  1873,  s.p. 


8.  Helen. 

9.  Harriet,  married,  26  September,  1854,  Frank  Morrison,  of  Hole  Park,  Kent. 
10.  Isabella,  died  unmarried,  1876. 

Ian  Robert  James  Murray  Grant,  XIII.  of  Glenmoriston,  born 
1 860.  Late  Lieutenant,  1st  Battalion, Queen's  Own  Cameron  Highlanders. 
He  married  1st,  23  November,  1887,  Ada  Sophy  Ethel  daughter  of  the 
late  Colonel  Cuthbert  Davidson,  C.B.,  without  issue  ;  and  2nd,  23  April, 
1897,  Gabrielle,  daughter  of  Paul  Du  Chaillu,  the  celebrated  traveller. 


Alpin  Grant,  fourth  son  of  Patrick  Grant,  VIII.  of  Glenmoriston, 
was  at  one  time  tenant  of  Borlumbeg,  Glenurquhart,  and  latterly  lived 
at  the  Citadel,  Inverness,  managing  a  hemp  factory  there.  He  appears 
to  have  taken  an  active  part  in  municipal  and  county  affairs,  and  his 
name  has  been  perpetuated  in  '  Grant  Street.'  Entering  the  Town 
Council  on  26  September,  1785,  he  was  elected  a  Bailie  on  28 
September,  1802,  and  held  office  until  25  September,  1804.  He  was 
Junior  Warden  of -the  St.  Andrew's  Kilwinning  Lodge,  No.  31,  1795-99 
and  Senior  Warden,  1801-03.  In  1796  he  was  1st  Lieutenant  in  the 
Inverness-shire  Volunteer  Infantry,  and  he  subsequently  attained,  in  the 
Local  Militia  of  Inverness-shire,  the  rank  of  Major,  by  which  he  came  to 
be  familiarly  known.  In  1802  he  was  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  for 
Inverness-shire;  and  in  181 1  one  of  the  Deputy  Lieutenants  for  the  10th 
District  of  the  Country.  Alpin  Grant  died  16th  September,  181 1; 
having  married  \st  Isabella  (daughter  of  Rev.  John  Grant,  minister 
of  Urquhart),  who  died  5  November,  1773,  without  issue;  and  2nd  at 
Invermoriston,  2  July,  1776,  Agnes,  daughter  of  Baillie  Alexander 
Shaw*  agent  for  the  Bank  of  Scotland,  Inverness,  who  managed  the 

*  Alexander  Shaw  was  elected  a  member  of  Town  Council  on  9th  April,  1770,  and  a  Bailie 
25th  September,  1770.  He  died  21st  March,  1793.  ^1S  son>  James  Shaw,  (Councillor,  1771  ; 
Treasurer,  1776;  Bailie,  1785;  Dean  of  Guild,  17S7)  acquired  the  estate  of  Muirtown.  He 
died  January  21st,  1801,  having  married  and  had  a  large  family.  (See  Mackenzie's 
Mackenzies,  2nd  ed.  p.  582).  Both  Alexander  and  James  are  buried  in  the  Chapel  Yard, 
Inverness.  The  tombstone  recording  their  deaths  is  within  an  enclosure,  which  also  contains 
two  other  stones  bearing  the  inscriptions  : 

"  Heir  lyes  ane  honest  man  called  to  his  name  Donald  Shaw,  merchant  burges  of  Inverness, 
who  departed  this  lyfe  the  fourteint  day  of  May,  the  year  of  our  Lord  and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ, 
1645  "  [Arms  :  Quarterly  :   1,  a  lion  rampant ;  2,  a  dexter  hand  ;  3,  a  sword  in  pale  ;  4,  a  galley]. 

"  This  stone  is  placed  here  for  Robert  Shaw,  burgess  of  Inverness,  who  de  .  .  .  the  .  .  . 
of  .  .  .  and  his  spouse  Mariorie  Mansone,  who  departed  the  21  of  February.  1705.  R.S. 
[Arms :  as  above] ;  I.E.,  M.M.,  D.S.,  W.S.,  E.S.,  I.S.  Thou  art  my  portione  O  Lord  in  the 
land  of  the  living.     Memento  mori." 

Mr.  A.  M.  Mackintosh  of  Geddes  informs  me  that  Donald  Shaw  was  father  of  Robert,  who 
was  father  of  John,  who  was  father  of  Bailie  Alexander. 


linen  and   woollen  factory  founded  at  Invermoriston  in   1756.     By  his 
second  wife  Alpin  Grant  had  issue : — 

I.  PATRICK,  born  at  Inverness,  1  March,  1778  ;  studied  at  the 
University  of  St.  Andrews  during  179 1-2,  1792-3,  1793-4.  Entered  the 
army  in  1794;  Lieutenant  in  the  133rd  and  21st  Regiments;  sold  out  in 
1797,  and  went  to  British  Guiana,  where  he  died  in  1806. 

II.  ALEXANDER  Shaw,  born  at  Borlumbeg,  27  February,  1779. 
Entered  the  Navy  and  died  on  board  his  ship,  while  a  midshipman. 

III.  JAMES,  born  at  Inverness,  30  April,  1786;  died  in  the  West 

IV.  William,  born  at  Inverness,  16  September,  1787.  Major, 
H.E.I.C.S. ;  Superintendent  of  Public  Works.     Died  in  India. 

V.  MARJORY,  born  at  Inverness,  4  April,  1777.     She  died 

having  married   Duncan   Grant,  Dulshangie,  factor  of  Urquhart,  with 
issue : — 

1.  James,  born  25  November,  1797  ;  died  in  Jamaica,  1819. 

2.  Alpin,  born  26  July,  1801  ;  died  in  infancy. 

3.  Agnes   Shaw,  born  2   September,    1796  ;    died   unmarried   at    Dulshangie, 
2  February,  1883. 

4.  Lilias,  born  1  March,  1799,  died  at  Inverness,  8  February,  1886,  having  married 
16  October,  1819,  George  Mackay,  merchant,  Inverness,  with  issue:  — 

(1)  James  Mackay,  born  1820,  M.A.,  King's  College,  Aberdeen,  1840; 
B.D.,  Trinity  College,  Hartford,  185 1  ;  D.D.,  Aberdeen,  1881  ;  Holy  Orders, 
1845  '■>  Incumbent  of  St.  Johns,  Inverness,  1848-56;  Army  Chaplain,  India, 
l%57-75-  Cm  his  father's  death  in  1869  he  adopted  the  name  "Aberigh- 
Mackay"  as  representative  of  the  Abrach  branch  of  the  Clan  Mackay. 
Author  of  From  London  to  Lncknow,  2  vols,  i860;  Via  Dolorosa,  1863; 
Molochology  not  Theology,  1879  '■>  etc-  He  married  1st  in  1843,  Lucretia 
Livingston  Reed,  with  issue  : — 

i.  James  Livingston  Mackay.     Matriculated  at  Worcester  College, 
Oxford,  in  1862.     Entered  the    19th   Hussars  as   Lieutenant  in    18      ; 
retired,  18      ,  Lieut. -Colonel  8th  Bengal  Cavalry, 
ii.  George  Robert  Mackay.     Matriculated  at    Catherine  College, 
Cambridge,    in    1866.      Entered    the   Education    Department,    India, 


in   18       ;  died,  Principal  of  Rajkumar  College,  1881,  having  married 
Mary  Ann  Louisa  Cherry,  with  issue  : — 

(i)  Mary  Livingstone  Mackay. 

(ii)  Frances  Lilian  Mackay. 

(iii)  Beatrice  Georgina  Mackay. 

(iv)  Katharine  Madeline  Mackay,  married  Montague  Thorp. 

iii.  Charles  Frederick  Everest  Mackay,  died  in  infancy, 
iv.  Lillias  Grant  Mackay,  married  2  June,  William  Edward 

Maxwell,  (K.C.M.G.,  1870),  died  14  December,  1897,  at  sea, 

with  issue  : — 

(i)  William  George  Maxwell,  born  9  June,  1871,  married  23 

August,  1902,  his  cousin  Florence  Evelyn  Mackay. 

(ii)  Charleton  Neville  Maxwell,  born  22  June,  1872. 

(iii)  Eric  Frank  O'Hara  Maxwell,  born  5  September,  1873. 

(iv)  Denis  Wellesley  Maxwell,  born  24  March,  1875. 

(v)  Gerald  Verner  Maxwell,  born  23  June,  1877. 

(vi)  Peter  Benson  Maxwell,  born  10  October,  1880. 

James  Aberigh-Mackay,  married  2nd  in  1891,  his  cousin  Margaret  Trotter 
(infra),  who  died  1  January,  1900. 

(2)  Robert  Mackay,  born  1821.  Succeeded  to  his  father's  business,  and 
died  2  August,  1895,  having  married  Harriet  Davidson,  with  issue  : — 

i.  Charles  Mackay,  died  in  the  West  Indies, 
ii.  Edward  Mackay,  married  December,  1893,  Catherine  Cobban, 
iii.  James  Mackay.  Medical  Missionary,  married  Kathleen  Hedges. 

(3)  Duncan  Mackay,  born  4  June,  1823.  M.D.  St.  Andrews,  1844.  Died 
3  June,  1886,  having  married  isf,  4  November,  1856,  Jane  Allan  (who  died 
29  March,  1875),  vv>tn  issue  : — 

i.  Alfred  Mackay,  born  8  July,   1858,  Bank  Agent,  New  Zealand 

married  Annie  Mirams. 

ii.  Mary  Isabel  Mackay,  born  15  May,  1861. 

iii.  Nelly  Jane  Mackay,  born  12  April,  1868. 

and  2nd,  4  June,  1878,  Sarah  Anne  Boyes. 

(4)  HUGH  Mackay,  born  20  December,  1824,  Merchant,  London.  Married, 
25  July,  1867,  Mary  Ann  Wilkins,  with  issue  : — 

i.  Constance  Mary  Mackay,  born  16  August,  1868. 
ii.  Kate  Harriet  Mackay,  born  26  February,  1871. 


iii.  Lilly  Ann  Mackay,  born  31  July,  1870. 

iv.  Ethel  Margaret  Mackay,  bom  11  November,  1872. 

(5)  George  Grant  Mackay,  born  16  September,  1826.  Civil  Engineer. 
Died  at  Vancouver,  1  January,  1893,  having  married  1st,  August,  1850, 
Annie  Denny  (who  died  1859)  with  issue  : — 

i.  George  Denny  Mackay,  born  25  September,  185 1.  Married  3 
February,  1888,  Gertrude  Georgiana  Findlay,  with  issue  : — 

(i)  George  Findlay  Mackay,  born  11  July,  1900. 

ii.  Margaret  Stevenson  Mackay,  born  5  April,  1855,  died  3 
December,  1903,  having  married,  30  October,  1873,  Walter  F.  Stevenson, 
merchant,  Manila,  with  issue  : — 

(i)  Walter  George  Stevenson,  born  9  August,  1874,  merchant, 

(ii)  Harry  Burnett  Stevenson,  born  22  January,  1882.  Indian 
Staff  Corps. 

(iii)  Florence  Evelyn  Stevenson,  born  3  April,  1876,  married, 
23  August,  1902,  to  her  cousin,  William  George  Maxwell,  Federated 
Malay  States. 

(iv)  Hilda  Stevenson,  born  5  June,  1877,  married,  19  April,  1902, 
Neil  J.  D.  Kennedy,  L.L.D.,  Professor  of  Law,  University  of 

and  2nd,  16  January,  1861,  his  cousin  Jessie  Simson  {infra),  with  issue  :  — 

iii.  Harry  Hadfield  Mackay,  born  20  August,  1870;  died  31 
December,  1895. 

iv.  Eric  Aberigh  Mackay,  born  9  May  ;  died  14  July,  1875. 
v.  Lily  Jane  Mackay,  born  27  November,  1865. 

vi.  Florence  Mackay,  born  20  August,  1870.  Married,  27  April, 
1893,  Amedee  Percy  Home. 

(6)  JOHN  Mackay,  born  16  November,  1830.  M.A.,  King's  College, 
Aberdeen,  1852.     Died  at  Pau,  3  February,  1864. 

(7)  Joseph  Mackay,  born  2  December,  1834.  M.A.  King's  College,  1853. 
Died  at  Melbourne,  1857. 

(8)  William  Mackay,  born  15  March,  1839.  Executive  engineer,  P.  W.  D., 
Bengal.  Died  and  was  buried  at  sea  22  September,  1879,  having  married 
Christina  Watson,  with  issue  :— 

i.  Ronald  Mackay. 



ii.  CHRISTIAN  MACKAY,  married  Edmund  J.  Gunn,  Solicitor,  Glasgow, 
with  issue. 

(9)  Lillias  Mackay,  born  7  December,  1S28.     Died  March,  1858,  having 
married  J.  Wallace  Robertson,  C.  A.,  without  issue. 

(10)  Catherine    Mackay,   born    7    December,    1832.      Married   William 
Stevenson,  with  issue  : — 

i.  Frederick  Stevenson,  drowned  in  Africa. 

ii.  Harold  Stevenson,  Burma. 

iii.  Lillian  Stevenson,  married  Owen  Jones,  R.N.R. 

(11)  Marjory  Mackay,  born  28  September,  1837  ;  died  14  Feb.,  1838. 

5.  ISOBELLA,  born  24  May,  1800  ;  died  at  Dulshangie,  23  February,  1883,  having 
married,  1830,   Robert  Craig  Wotherspoon,  planter,  British 

Guiana,  with  issue  : — 

(1)  Robert  Cook  Wotherspoon,  bom  27    November,  1832  ;    married, 
27  December,  1878,  Jane,  daughter  of  James  Wallace,  Glasgow. 

6.  Jane  Duff,  born  11  January,  1S03  ;  died  at  Dulshangie,  5  March,  1S83, 
having  married,  15  April,  1820,  John  Simson,  planter,  British  Guiana,  with 
issue : — 

(1)  Colin  Simson. 

(2)  John  Simson. 

(3)  Jane  Simson.     Married  Colin  Smith,  with  issue  : — 

i.  Simson  Smith.     Married,  with  issue. 

(4)  Jessie  Simson.     Married  her  cousin  George  Grant  Mackay,  supra. 

7.  DUNCANA,  born  ;  died  at  Helensburgh,  27  August,  1901,  having 
married,  ,  Charles  Archibald  Corstorphan,  planter,  British 
Guiana,  with  issue  : — 

(1)  Charles  Corstorphan,  Richmond  River,  Australia.     Married. 

(2)  George  Corstorphan,  Simla,  India.     Married  twice  with  issue  : — 

i.  Norman  Corstorphan. 
ii.  Ada  Corstorphan.     Married  Arthur  Craddock,  with  issue, 

(3)  Duncan  Corstorphan,  planter,  Demerara.    Died,  having  married 

VI.  Isabella,  born  at  Borlumbeg,   11   June,   1780.      She  died  at 
Nairn,  4  February,  1869,  having  married,  21  November,  1805,  Alexander 



Grant,    Duldreggan,    Factor   of  Glenmoriston,   son    of  John    Grant  ot 
Craskie  {supra),  with  issue  : — 

i.  Alpin,  born  13  November,  1806  ;  planter,  British  Guiana  ;  died  at  Nairn, 
9  November,  1864. 

2.  Patrick  Alexander  James,  born  10  March,  1812  ;  farmer,  Kerrowaird  ; 
and  Stipendiary  Magistrate,  British  Guiana,  died  at  Inverness,  4  May,  1884. 

3.  William,  born  17  July,  1814  ;  planter,  British  Guiana;  died  at  Inverness, 
2  November,  1847. 

4.  John,  born  27  April  ;  died  n  May,  1819. 

5.  Agnes  Shaw,  born  21  April,  1808,  died  at  Inverness,  21  December,  1S53, 
having  married,  4  August,  1835,  Peter  Anderson,  solicitor,  Inverness,  with 
issue  : — 

(i)  Peter  John  Anderson,  born  16  September,  1852.     M.A.,  Aberdeen, 
1872  ;  LL.B.,  Edinburgh,  i876  ;  Librarian  to  the  University  of  Aberdeen. 

(2)  Jeannette  Margaret  Anderson,  born  25  May,  1836. 

(3)  Isabel  Harriet  Anderson,  born  29  June,  1840. 

(4)  Agnes  Jane  Grant  Anderson,  born  February,  1851,  died  in  infancy. 

6.  Margaret  Cumming,  born  23  March,  1810  ;  died  unmarried  at  Inverness, 
31  December,  1887. 

7.  Marjory,  born  22  August,  1816  ;  died  unmarried,  at  Inverness,  3  September, 

8    Harriet  CAMERON,  born  14  December,  1820  ;    died  unmarried  at  Inverness, 

24  March,  1S87. 

9.  Marianne,  born  15  October,  1824. 

VII.  Margaret,    born   at    Borlumbeg,    3    July,    1781.      She   died, 
having    married,     9    May,    1799,   the    Rev.   James 
Fowler,  minister  of  Urquhart  and  Glenmoriston,  with  issue  : 

1.  James  Grant  Fowler,  born  11  May,  died  1  November,  1S01. 

2.  Alpin  Grant  Fowler,  born  at  the  Citadel  of  Inverness,  26  August,  1802 
He  died  ,  having  married  ,  with  issue  : — 

(1)  James  Fowler. 

(2)  Alpin  Fowler. 

(3)  Robert  Fowler. 

(4)  Philippa  Fowler,  married  William  Guthrie,  Belfast. 

(5)  Margaret  Fowler. 

(6)  Annie  Fowler. 


3.  Colin  Fowler,  born  at  the  Citadel  of  Inverness,  26  March,  1804. 

4.  John  Gordon  Fowler,  born  at  Kilmore,  20  November,  1805. 

5.  Alexander  Fowler,  born  at  Kilmore,  10  May,  181 1.     Married  twice. 

6.  Patrick  Grant  Fowler,  born  at  Kilmore,  3  June,  1813. 

7.  Agnes  Shaw  Fowler,  bom  7  February,  1800. 

8.  Katherine  Gordon  Fowler,  born  at  Kilmore,  20  December,  1807.  She 
died  at  Bridge  of  Allan,  having  married  Robert  Trotter,  banker,  Worcester, 
with  issue  : — 

(1)  John  Trotter,  died  young. 

(2)  Margaret  Trotter,  died  1  January,  1900,  having  married  her  cousin, 
Rev.   James  Aberigh  Mackay,  D.D.  [supra). 

9.  Margaret  Fowler,  born  at  Kilmore,  2  October,  1809. 

VIII.  HELEN,  born  at    Borlumbeg,   22   August,    1783.      She  died, 
April,  1842,  having  married,  1801,  John  Fraser,  Agent 

for  the  Bank  of  Scotland,  Inverness,  with  issue  : — 

1.  Donald  Fraser,  died  in  infancy. 

2.  Patrick  Fraser 

3.  John  Fraser,  died  in  infancy. 

4.  John  Fraser,  born  June,  1818  ;  M.A.,  King's  College,  Aberdeen,  1846; 
licenciate  of  the  Church.  Died  in  Canada,  24  September,  1893, 
having  married,  June,  1845,  Charlotte  Augusta  Mackie  (who  died  28  January, 
1903),  with  issue  : — 

(1)  John  Fraser.     Married 

(2)  Alexander  Mackie  Fraser. 

(3)  Alpina  AGNES  Fraser,  born  April,  1846,  married,  in  1870,  A.  C.  Mann, 
with  issue  : — 

i.  Hugh  Campbell  Mann. 

ii.  John  James  Mann. 
iii.  Carolina  Mann. 
iv.  Alexandra  Mann. 

(4)  Elizabeth  Helen  Stuart  Fraser,  born  4  September,  1850. 

(5)  Charlotte  Fraser,  Sub-editor  of  the  Star,  Montreal,  died  31   May, 

(6)  WlLHELMlNA  Fraser,  married 

(7)  Helen  Fraser,  born  29  June,  1863. 


5.  William  Fraser,  died  in  Australia. 

6.  Donald  Fraser,  died  in  infancy. 

7.  Anne  Fraser,  married  Robert  Munro,  Jamaica,  with  issue  :  — 


8.  Margaret  Fraser,  died  unmarried. 

9.  Helen  Fraser,  died  in  infancy. 

10.  Alpina  Fraser,  died  unmarried. 

11.  HELEN  Fraser,  died  unmarried,  6  June,  1901. 

12.  May  Fraser,  died  unmarried. 

13.  Mary  Fraser,  married  D.  Mackenzie,  with  issue  : — 

(1)  A  son  who  died  in  infancy. 

(2)  Mary  Helen  Mackenzie,  married  George  Brodie  Clark,  with  issue  :— 

i.  Ernest  Herbert  Brodie  Clark. 

14.  Isabella  Fraser,  married  Rev.  \V.  Rally,  St.  Thomas,  Ontario  (who  died 
without  issue). 

15.  Anne  [Nancy]  Fraser,  died  21  June,  1902,  having  married  Dr. 
Van  Buskirk,  with  issue  : 

(1)  William  Van  Buskirk,  C.E.  ;  married,  with  issue. 

(2)  May  Van  Buskirk,  married  Douglas  Gerrard,  with  issue  : 

i.  Douglas  Gerrard. 
ii.  Helen  Gerrard. 

(3)  Fanny  Grant  Van  Buskirk,  died  unmarried. 

(4)  Anne  Victoria  Van  Buskirk. 

(5)  Caroline  Ruth  Van  Buskirk. 

16.  JANE  Fraser,  married  Andrew  Smith,  with  issue  : 

(1)  William  Grant  Smith,  merchant,  Guadalaxara,  Mexico. 

(2)  John  Alexander  Smith,  M.A.,  Fellow  and  Tutor  of  Balliol  College* 

(3)  James  Ross  Smith,  S.S.C.,  Edinburgh. 

(4)  Alexander  Patrick  Smith,  solicitor,  Hamilton. 

(5)  Harriet  Ann  Smith. 

(6)  Jean  Eliza  Smith. 

IX.  Jean,  born  at  Inverness,  20  October,  1784.  She  died  in  1867 
having  married  11  January,  1806,  Captain  Alexander  Cameron 
Lundavra,  with  issue  : — 


1.  Patrick  Cameron,  died  in  Calcutta. 

2.  Alexander  Cameron,  died  at  Ridgeuood,  U.S.A.,  1901,  having  married, 
with  issue  : — 

(1)  Alpin  Cameron. 


(3)  Catherine  Cameron. 

(4)  Jessie  Cameron. 

(5)  Alice  Cameron. 

3.  Alpin  Cameron,  died  in  Australia,  having  married,  with  issue  :— 

4.  Duncan  Cameron,  died  at  sea. 

5.  Allan  Cameron,  died  at  Westford,  U.S.A.,   1901,  having  married,   with 
issue  : — 

(1)  Alexander  Cameron,  died  in  America,  having  married,  without  issue. 

(2)  Julian  Cameron,  married. 

(3)  Donald  Cameron,  married,  with  issue. 

(4)  Allan  Cameron. 

(5)  Mary  Cameron,  died  young. 

6.  William  Cameron,  died  in  America,  having  married,  with  issue  : — 

(1)  William  Cameron,  married. 

(2)  Alpin  Cameron. 

7.  Agnes    Shaw   Cameron,  died   4   March,    1897,  having    married   Andrew 
Munro,  Rockfield,  with  issue  : — 

(1)  Andrew  Munro,  died  unmarried  7  May,  1866. 

(2)  Alexander  Patrick  Munro,  died   14  May,  1878,  having  married 
Georgina  Murray,  daughter  of  Rev.  George  Campbell,  Tarbat,  without  issue. 

(3)  Finlay  Munro,  married  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Robert  H.  Durie,  East 
Lothian,  with  issue  : — 

i.  Andrew  Munro. 

ii.  Robert  Durie  Munro. 

iii.  Finlay  Munro. 

iv.  Agnes  Shaw  Cameron  Munro. 

v.  Kate  Taylor  Munro,  died  1902,  unmarried. 

(4)  Jane  Grant  Munro,  died  20  December,  1896,  having  married,  1st 
Philip  Ross,  with  issue  : — 

i.  Andrew  Ross,  married. 


ii.  MUNRO  ROSS,  died,  1901,  unmarried, 
and  2nd  Richard  W.  B.  Chambers,  with  issue  : — 
i.  Violet  Forth  Barry  Chambers. 

JESSIE  Cameron,  married  Alexander  Mackay,  with  issue  :  — 

(1)  Mackay,  died,  having  married. 

(2)  Mackay,  died,  having  married. 

X.  ELIZABETH    Townsend,    born    at    Inverness,    30    September 
1789.  Died  having  married,  26  August,  181 3,  David  Nicol, 

.Borlum,  Glenurquhart,  with  issue  : — 

1.  John  Inglis  NlCOL,  Bank  of  Scotland,  Inverness,  died  in 

2.  ALPIN  Grant  NlCOL,  Surgeon,  died  in  Australia. 

j.  David  Chisholm  Nicol,  born  11  September,  1824,  died,  24  August,  1901, 
at  Elgin,  Dakota,  having  married  1st,  Margaret,  daughter  of  Captain  Maclean, 
Uist,  with  issue  : — 

(1)  James  Norman  Maclean  Nicol,  married  Gertrude  van  Ritter,  with 
issue  : — 

i.  Killion  Nicol. 

ii.  Jessie  Myers  Maclean  Nicol. 

(2)  David  Inglis  Nicol,  died  1884,  unmarried. 

(3)  ALICE  MaCQUEEN  Nicol,  married  John  Henry  Macgay,  with  issue  : — 

i.  Norman  Percy  Macgay. 
ii.  Walter  Macgay, 
iii.  Mary  Sloane  Macgay. 
iv.  Agnes  Isabel  Macgay. 
v.  Alice  Edith  Macgay. 

(4)  Elizabeth  Townsend  Grant  Nicol,  died  1863. 

(5)  Percy  Cameron  Nicol. 

(6)  Annie  Denny  Nicol. 

and  2nd,  SYBELLA  JANE,  daughter  of  Rev.  A.  D.  Laird,  Dundee,  with  issue  :— 

(7)  Alexander  Laird  Nicol,  married  31st  December,  1889,  Sophronine 

(8)  Howard  Crosby  Nicol,  died 

MAJOR  ALPIN'S  descendants.  31 

(9)  Robert  Bruce  Nicol. 

(10)  Emily  Chisholm  Nicol. 

(11)  Agnes  Barbara  Nicol,  married  Louis  Johnson,  Chicago,  with  issue  :— 

i.  Robert  Francis  Johnson. 

(12)  Sybella  Boswell  Nicol. 

(13)  Mary  Frances  Nicol, 

4.  Jane  Wardlaw  Nicol,  married  Kenneth  Mackenzie,  Calcutta,  with  issue  :— 

(1)  John  Inglis  Nicol  Mackenzie. 

(2)  Eliza  Grant  Mackenzie,  married  Arthur  Garrett,  Coalport. 

(3)  Barbara  Macphail  Mackenzie,  married  Charles  Clarke  Bruff, 
Coalport,  Ipswich. 

5.  Agnes  Shaw  Nicol,  died  unmarried,  17  May,  1898. 

6.  Marjory  Grant  Nicol,  died  unmarried,  27  August,  1901. 

7.  Eliza  Grant  Nicol,  married  10  September,   1850,  John  Hunter,  L.R.C.S. 
Ed.,  Lochgilphead  (who  died  23  August,  1890),  with  issue  :— 

(1)  James  Hunter,  M.B.,  Edinb.,  1883,  Lochgilphead  ;  married  4  July, 
1888,  Frances  Althea,  youngest  daughter  of  Henry  D.  Graham,  R.N., 
with  issue  . — 

i.  John  Henry  Graham  Hunter. 

ii.  Francis  Grant  Hunter. 

iii.  Althea  Hunter,  died  in  infancy. 

iv.  Elizabeth  Alison  Hunter. 

(2)  John  Alexander  Hunter. 

(3)  Percy   Eliza   Hunter,  died  28  June,   1897,   having  married  8  April 
1886,  John  Cameron,  M.D.,  with  issue  : — 

i.  John  Hunter  Cameron. 
ii.  Robert  Evan  Cameron. 
iii.  Percy  Grant  Cameron. 

XI.  HENRIETTA,  born  at  Inverness,  16  July,  1793.    Died 
having  married,  13  March,  181 2,  John  Mackay,  Sheuglie,  Glenurquhart, 
with  issue  : — 

1.  ALPIN  MACKAY,  born  at  Dalcataig,  29  December,  1812. 

2.  John  Mackay,  born  at  Dalcataig,  11  October,  1815. 


3.  James  Grant  Mackay,  born  at  Dalcataig,  11  September,  1817. 

4.  Alexander  Mackay,  born  at  Dalcataig,  11  April,  1820. 

5.  William  Mackay,  born  at  Sheuglie,  19  September,  1822. 

6.  Francis  William  Grant  Mackay,  born  at  Sheuglie,  21  July,  1830. 

7.  Anne  Mackay,  died  young,  born  at  Dalcataig,  11  September,  1817. 

8.  Isabella  Mackay,  born  at  Sheuglie,  5  April,  1825. 

9.  Henrietta  Mackay,  born  at  Sheuglie,  14  June,  1827. 
10.  Marjory  Mackay,  born  at  Sheuglie,  26  May,  1832. 



This    book    is    under   no    circumstances   to    be 
taken  from  the  Building 

.Y,  .'    J 








